Dr. Yuka Ikemoto
Yuka Ikemoto obtained her PhD in Science from Tohoku University in 1998. She has been working at SPring-8/JASRI since 2001 as a beamline scientist of the infrared beamline BL43IR. She has been a Senior Scientist at SPring-8/JASRI since 2015, and Senior Staff of User Administration Division since 2024. She is also a visiting associate professor at the School of Engineering Science, Osaka University from 2011 to 2019, a visiting associate professor at the Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry, University of Hyogo from 2018 to 2019, and a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University from 2019. Her research field is advanced technology development and application of infrared synchrotron radiation. As a contribution to WIRMS, she served as the chairperson of WIRMS2022 held in Hiroshima.
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