Call for Abstracts Opens
15th April 2024
Oral and Poster guideline information
Oral Presentations
Invited Oral Presentations
Presentation length up to 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Regular Oral Presentations
Presentation length up to 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions and answers. We kindly request all speakers to design their presentations to fit within these time limits.
Poster Presentations
The poster boards will allow a maximum poster size of A0 around 80×120 cm in Portrait orientation.
We recommend you hang up the poster on October 8th morning and remove it by the end of the event.
Posters Location
The posters will be placed in the coffee-break, lunch and the sponsors area in specific structures. Each poster will be assigned to one of these structures (the name of the poster and the main author will be visible).
You can bring your own fixing material. However, doubled-side adhesive tape and tacks will be available onsite.
Guidelines for chairing the session
Before the session starts
- Arrive at the Auditorium at least 10 minutes before the session begins.
- Check with the technical/support staff to ensure that the PowerPoint presentations for all speakers have been properly downloaded and none are missing.
- Agree with the speaker on how you will notify them when their presentation time is almost over. You can use the timer display available in the room to manage the time.
At the start of the session
- Welcome the speakers and introduce yourself as the session moderator.
- Announce the name of the speaker and the title of each presentation at the beginning of each talk.
During the session
- Be strict with the time allocated for each speaker.
- Invite the audience to participate by asking questions.
- It is recommended that the moderator encourages a lively and engaging discussion that enhances the scientific experience for all participants.
At the end of the session
- Thank the speakers for their participation and the audience for their questions.
- Officially close the session.